
Simply put, "Reformed," describes the biblical convictions of historic Christianity.  The movement of the Church which sought to renew these convictions afresh ministered the Christian gospel under the banners of "Faith Alone," "Grace Alone," "Scripture Alone," "Christ Alone," and "To the Glory of God Alone."  In calling ourselves "Reformed" we claim the same banners for our work.


More than just a ministry on the university campus, RUF seeks to be a ministry for the university.  We strive to serve in this unique stage of a student's life in the world they live in, exploring together how the Lordship of Christ informs every area of life.


All human problems originate from our alienation from God, and those problems show up vividly in broken relationships with one another.  God's answer to human alienation is the death and resurrection of Jesus, and His answer to disintegrated relationships is the Church of Jesus.  RUF is the arm of this restorative people reaching out to the college campus.